Learn about The Golden Circle and so much more about strategic planning, time management and prioritization in my new book The LOTUS Within.
The Golden Circle is a concept developed by Simon Oliver Sinek that explains how great leaders and organizations inspire others. View this video of him as he explains this concept He has devoted his life to sharing his thinking and leading a movement to inspire people to do the things that inspire them. Simon may be best known for popularizing the concept of WHY in his first Ted Talk in 2009. It has since become one of the most-watched talks of all time on TED.com, with more than thirty-seven million views.
The Golden Circle consists of three concentric circles: the “Why” in the center, surrounded by the “How,” and finally the “What.” The Golden Circle emphasizes the importance of purpose-driven leadership and encourages organizations to focus on their beliefs and values to drive success.
The Golden Circle provides compelling evidence of how much (more) we can achieve if everything we do begins by asking a simple question: “Why?”
This process creates order and predictability in human behavior. Put simply, the Golden Circle helps us understand why we do what we do.
The same sensibilities apply to our personal lives. Starting
with why is crucial when it comes to strategic future planning.
Understanding your purpose and motivation for the things you want
to achieve can help guide your decision-making and prioritize your
goals. Your why is the driving force behind your actions and should
be at the forefront when planning your future.
Get your journal and respond to these questions.
What is your why?
What is your purpose?
How do you get after your why?
What do you do now?
What should you be doing?