Have you heard of "Big Rocks"? Popularized by Steven Covey in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I "sharpen the saw" by reading it at least every year. I recommend you do the same and if you haven't heard, I cover it in my upcoming book "The LOTUS Within" that is ready for pre-order now!
Big rocks symbolize our priorities. They encompass the tasks, projects, or goals each of us must accomplish. They define our mission-critical objectives and do not include items on anyone’s messy sprawling to-do list.
When you think about where you will be in thirty years, and it’s okay to write your vision in pencil. Things will change. Remember your responses to finding out what your ikigai is made of. You have to figure out your values and what’s ultimately important to you in the long run.
Write in your journal what your big rocks are today and envision based on what you have learned so far with my blog entries on what they should be. Compare and contrast. Are you on track? What do you need to change?
What are your big rocks?
Once you figure out where you think you will be in thirty years, plan
backward. Figure out where you see yourself in twenty years, your
passion, your values, where you want to be, where you want to live,
and who you want to live with (if that’s the way you choose to do it).
What are your next set of big rocks?
Next, go to ten years from now. What’s your passion? What are your
values? Where are you? Who are you living with, and why? What
are you doing?